Conference «Religion and Cities» (Colorado, 18-22 November 2022)
The Religion and Cities Unit seeks papers that analyze the interactive relationship between religion and urban environments at the 2022 American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 18-November 22 in Denver Colorado. What theoretical models do we draw upon to engage the infrastructure, activities, and culture of cities across the globe? We are open to papers or panels that engage the ecological relationship between religion and cities in a variety of ways.
Proposals must be submitted by March 1, 2022. To learn more please visit our website listed below or contact Fatimah or Rupa.
For 2022, we are particularly interested in the following topics:
- Religion, Cities, and Catastrophe
- The Afterlife of Catastrophes in Cities (cosponsored session with the Religion, Genocide, and Holocaust Unit)
- The Good Life
- The Catastrophes of Infrastructure
- Not Our Catastrophe
Contact Info:
Religion and Cities Unit Co-Chairs, Fatimah Fanusie (fanusie@icjs.org) & Rupa Pillai (rupillai@sas.upenn.edu)
Contact Email: